From tours in Kuwait and Iraq to fighting wildfires in rural Oregon, Army veteran David has worked hard to serve his country and community.  However, after battling through an unprecedented wildfire season that leveled his hometown, David found himself sinking into a deep depression and reliving his time in Iraq and the burdens he carried from that tour.

Seeking relief for his situation, David found a hospital-based mental health program specifically tailored for veterans suffering from PTSD.  David was not sure if he could attend the program, however, due to financial constraints.   SALUTE was able to provide rental assistance to David so he could attend the program and not worry about his finances while focusing on his mental health.

“I cannot express my gratitude enough. The rental assistance allowed me to participate in the mental health program, which in turned gave me tools to help navigate my experiences from Iraq.

More important I believe is the support I felt from your team … you eased my mind with your assistance and provided it in such a timely manner I was able to attend the Program and return home knowing I wouldn’t be behind on rent.  Without question none of that would have been possible without SALUTE’s aid.

I was told once “one of the bravest things you can do is ask for help”.   I did and SALUTE came through big time.”  David, Army (Retired)

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