Serving in the National Guard was a passion for Conner.  Enlisted for over 5 years, he loved the active and rewarding life of an Army medic, while also pursuing a college degree in Cyber Security.   A healthy 24 year old, Conner’s parents were stunned when he suffered a massive acute ischemic stroke on the left side of his brain.  Upon admission to the hospital, his agonized family was notified by the medical team that Conner had suffered a major stroke “and there isn’t much left.”  In a few days, the brain swelling led to an emergency surgery where the doctors removed part of his skull to relieve the pressure on the brain.  Conner was paralyzed, using a feeding tube, suffering from vertigo and double vision and unable to speak or write.   As soon as Conner was stable, he was transferred to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab for intensive physical rehabilitation and aphasia therapy. Conner was a patient at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab for five months, working steadily on his rehabilitation.   SALUTE was able to assist with hotel bills for his parents so they could be by his side during his recuperation.

Since the stroke, Conner has beaten all the odds and achieved a remarkable recovery.  He has regained use of his limbs, no longer requires a feeding tube and is now able to write and speak coherently.   In contrast to the original medical assessment after his stroke, his current doctor said:  “Nine out of ten people would not even have survived such a massive stroke…you’re here for a reason.” Maybe the reason he’s here is to inspire all of us.   We SALUTE you, Conner!

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