Brad and Mary share a deep love for each other, their country and their canine family members.  This dedicated couple have served a combined 18 years in the U.S. Air Force.   Returning home after their military careers, they both suffered from  the effects  of PTSD.  Seeking relief from their symptoms, they enrolled in a hospital-based mental health program.  Additional stresses in their lives included a recent bankruptcy filing due to overwhelming medical bills.  SALUTE  helped with housing and car expenses, providing  relief from the financial pressures that could have prevented them from participating in this life-changing therapy.

“We cannot thank you enough for your kindness and gracious help. Both my husband and I suffer from severe PTSD and over the years have been unable to work. After years of struggling, bankruptcy and medical bills wiped us out, but we are finally getting back on our feet slowly. I can’t express to you how much the relief of a few paid bills have given us. 

 It’s easy to lose hope nowadays, but knowing folks care about us and our service makes it easier to keep trying. The hardest part is asking for help, and your help has been huge. 

  Thank you for helping us so we can take care of ourselves and the home we are building together.”                           SSGT Mary


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