Master Sergeant Mark’s life was permanently changed when he suffered a traumatic brain injury during his long career in the Air Force.  Plagued by neurological damage from the brain injury and still struggling with lingering PTSD symptoms, Mark researched the best options for his treatment and found the Shepherd Center in Atlanta.  Nationally recognized for their extensive rehabilitation programs, the Shepherd Center offers an inpatient program specifically targeted at long-term recovery from traumatic brain injury.  Participating in the program would require Mark to take 4-6 weeks off of work without pay, which his family could not afford.  SALUTE provided the family with two months of mortgage payments so Mark could enter the rehabilitation program.  A few weeks into the program, Mark’s wife wrote to say how he was progressing:

“I am encouraged about the goals the program has set for Mark, but most of all I am encourage by the change I‘ve already noticed in Mark. …he is feeling hopeful and positive which is something he has not felt in awhile.  It is hard to express how incredibly thankful we are for SALUTE’s help to allow Mike to finally get the help he has needed. SALUTE’s generosity, support and care for Mark and our family is truly appreciated.  “

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