Army specialist Tonya served honorably for more than 6 years, including  time in Iraq. Retired from the Army, Tonya  worked for the Internal Revenue Service, and started a family which included a beautiful son and daughter.  A single parent, Tonya felt obliged to leave her secure job to care for her disabled son.  Knowing  she was facing a severe loss of income, Tonya arranged for her family to move in with a friend, thereby saving housing costs.  Still stressed financially, she reached out to SALUTE, INC. for assistance with her car payments, phone bill and food.  SALUTE was proud to assist this hard-working mom.  In addition to the financial assistance provided, SALUTE also introduced Tonya to a retired Human Resources volunteer, who will work with her to locate a job that can be performed from home, in order to balance her work with caring for her son.

“Thank you so much SALUTE for helping me and my loved ones during this difficult time for us. We are so blessed to have a company that goes above and beyond to help out veterans and their families.”                         SPC Tonya


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