Marlin served in the U.S. Army for over nine years.  During his service in Afghanistan, he suffered wounds that left him disabled and unable to work due to PTSD and other injuries.  Returning home, Marlin and his family faced financial difficulties while awaiting his service connection pay.  When they contacted SALUTE, INC., the family of six and a service dog were living in a hotel, and out of funds to keep a roof over their heads.   SALUTE covered their hotel costs, and then paid the first two months’ rent on a home they found in the neighborhood.  The family’s situation is improving daily with Marlin’s wife back at work, and their daughter graduating high school in the top 10% of her class and heading off to college.


Marlin’s wife expressed their gratitude as follows, “If SALUTE did not come in and help there’s no telling where we would be, so thank you for all of the time, help and love “.

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